I have tried the three simulators WhizLabs, EJBPlus and SoftSCBCD (SoftLearn).
Whizlabs cannot printout quick preparation notes. I wanted to refer it at work or while having lunch. (

SoftSCBCD does not store exam results (Ouch!). You definitely want to know what your weak points were and work on them more often. I found this to be one of the biggest drawback of the product. You do not want to keep working on the exams till you get 100%.
EJBPlus, on the other hand has lot of features including making your personal notes for each question while you attempt it.This really helped me, as I could view all the notes made by me for all the exams day before and memorize them.
I do agree that my score on SoftSCBCD was very near to the actual exam. While EJBPlus may do have some questions outside the exam, it does not harm to know them. Rule of the thumb is that you add 20% more than what you get in EJBPlus or WhizLabs or HeadFirst exam simulator, because you are not given the choice of knowing the correct number of answers to select for multiple choice questions. But this makes you think hard and really see the difference through the nuances of the answers. I had got 70% average in all my exams, including HeadFirst. Except Soft-Learn SCBCD where it was in lower 80's.
I got 85%.

Lost marks in areas I thought I would get 100% like EJBQL and Transactions

. There is lot of time to recheck your answers. One thing I did not like on real
test is that for EJBQL, once you select the query words, you cannot go back and review it. When I tried to click on it, it said, that this will reset all my selection. So I did not go into it again.
This forum goes a long way to help you with all your confusions

. I had browsed the postings for few days and found most of my questions answered. Probably that is why you might have not seen much postings by me.
I feel that
you should not just prepare from certification point of view, because, eventually you are going to work on some live project. So it does not kill to know something outside the certification.
Kathy and Bert have very correctly mentioned that you have to take the test only once. Because you take the same test couple of times and you end up getting 98% and still fail on real test because you have memorized the questions and answers by that time.
Last ,but not the least, I would like to praise the book "Head First EJB'. It really drills the info into your brain in a different way. (liked the approach). Here's to Kathy & Bert

You do not want to just pass the exams and not know much about EJB. So do not just depend on selecting a simulator just because it has questions matching the real exams. What is Sun decides to change the questions in the question bank???
Finally I would like to say is that if you want value for you money, I would definitely place my bet on EJBPlus. WhizLabs is also not so bad (other than not letting you print their quick reference notes), but too expensive compared to EJBPLus.
Also thanks to Anil Paul for sending me free copy of EJBPlus for evaluation. I am looking forward to their
SCEA simulator

p.s. Keith, I thought you might have already taken the test. Good Luck.
Peter Vennel
SCJD, SCWCD, SCBCD, IBM XML, MCP (not the other one....

[ February 04, 2004: Message edited by: Peter Vennel ]