I just read a blog on the web where a developer was complaining becasue of the following instance:
MethodA and MethodB are CMT methods who are defined as RequiresNew. Supposedly, they maintain when MethodA is called through the remote interface, a new transaction starts and then when MethodB is called through the local interface, the first transaction is not suspended and a new transaction is not started because MethodB was called locally. They maintain that the new transaction only starts when the remote is called.
This flys in the face of everything I've read about
EJB transactions or the instances where I've used them, however, I thought that maybe it was because they were using an EJB container that didn't conform to the specs.
When a method is declared RequiresNew, it should start a new transaction, regardless of whether it was called locally or through the remote, right? Is anyone aware of a EJB container that does what was described above?