posted 20 years ago
1) Given this code:
try {
Advice a = aHome.create();
Handle aHandle = a.getHandle();
} catch (Exception ex) {...}
which are true? (assume everything compiles and works correctly)
A) aHandle must be Serializable.
B) Advice must extend EJBHome
C) The object referenced by aHandle is from a class implemented by the container
D) The Bean Provider implemented the aHome.create() method.
E) getHandle() declares a RemoteException
F) Handle extends java.rmi.Remote
G) The object referenced by 'a' IS-A java.rmi.Remote
2) Which are true about Session bean passivation?
A) Passivation always uses Serialization.
B) A bean can be removed even while in a passivated state.
C) A bean can be passivated even while in a transaction.
D) Both stateless and stateful session beans can be passivated.
E) A UserTransaction reference cannot be passivated.
F) A 'Connection' reference cannot be passivated.
G) A resource manager connection factory reference cannot be passivated.
H) A reference to a bean's privated JNDI environment can be passivated.
I) A null reference can be passivated.
J) Under some circumstances, the bean might be passivated *without* getting an ejbPassivate method call.
I think the answers shud be
1) A, C, E, G.
2) B, F, H, I
[ February 22, 2004: Message edited by: Sudhir Vallam ]
Sudhir V<br />(SCJP 1.2, SCWCD, OCA, SCBCD)