Mock exam question : With CMP, the primary key for an entity bean may be automatically generated by the container if the entity bean meets certain requirements. Which of the following is true. Select 1 correct Choice.
A. In the deployment descriptor, the primary key class must be defined as a java.lang.Object. The primary key field must not specified.
B. In the home interface, the argument of the findByPrimaryKey method must be a java.lang.Object.
C. In the entity bean class, the return type of the ejbCreate method must be a java.lang.Object.
A, B Please refer to EJB Spec Pg204, 10.8.3. Please read the section. Below is an extract from that section. The spec states that "In this special case, the type of the argument of the findByPrimaryKey method must be declared as java.lang.Object. The Bean Provider must specify the primary key class in the deployment descriptor as of the type java.lang.Object."