Originally posted by Walker Rustin:
INESystem question:42 mock question series:4 say the creat methods can NOT be overloaded. I told you I am getting inconsistent answers.
I don't work on ejb or I could have tested it out myself. But then who knows what the spec says and what the vendor follows. It's all a big mess.
- walk rustin
Does your mock exam question mention what type of bean is it related to?
The SCBCD exam is related to SUN's EJB2.0 spec, So I would suggest you to
trust the spec more than any application server or mock software out there." ....There could be plenty of vendor specific features in the application server that are not related to the exam and mistakes, yes
mistakes in the mock exams!
All you need is a computer with JDK1.3. Once you have the environment(J2EE Reference implemenation 1.3) set up to learn/practice EJBs, it hardly takes any time to check this out yourself. You are likely to get deployment errors if you do not stick to the specification.