Originally posted by carlos:
Is the answer really ejbRemove()?
......The correct answer is
no such method exists for entity bean!... This question puzzled me also. Shamefully, I checked up the answers
Did you try the second question on the same page:323?
Which method is called when the bean goes back to the pool after an entity is deleted from the database?
Answer : ejbPassivate()?
ejbPassivate() is not called for an entity bean that has just been deleted by the client.(ejbRemove() method is called before the entity is deleted and ejbPassivate() is not called after the entity is deleted!)....So the correct answer is
no method is called when the entity bean goes back to the pool after the deletion!
EJBObject garbage collection is vendor-specific.
I think U are perfectly alright. Good Luck for the exam!

[ April 02, 2004: Message edited by: Vish Kumar ]