Originally posted by Valentin Crettaz:
So is it possible to call the getEJBObject in ejbCreate because it doesn't matter which EJBObject is returned?
Yes, that's right. Section 6.9.2 of the EJB 2.0 spec states that all session objects of the same stateless session bean within the same home have the same object identity assigned by the container. So it doesn't really matter which EJBObject is returned.
Really thx 4 the answer /bow
Originally posted by Valentin Crettaz:
Does the server create one if I call getEJBObject in ejbCreate and when a client invokes create on the home this instance is returned to the client?
I'm not sure I understand the question, could you rephrase please? Thanks
:roll: ok let me rephrase it:
I call getEJBObject in the ejbCreate and no EJBObject exists. Now the server has to create an EJBObject.
<some time later>
A Client invokes create on the home interface. Which EJBObject is returned, a new one or the EJBObject the server has created when getEJBObject was called in ejbCreate?
I think the answer is: It doesn't matter