Section 17.4.1 of the spec enumerates all methods for which transaction attribtues must or must not be specified:
The transaction attribute must be specified for the following methods:
For an entity bean, the transaction attributes must be specified for the methods defined in the bean�s component interface and all the direct and indirect superinterfaces of the component interface, excluding the getEJBHome, getEJBLocalHome, getHandle, getPrimaryKey, and isIdentical methods; and for the methods defined in the bean�s home interface and all the direct and indirect superinterfaces of the home interface, excluding the
getEJBMetaData and getHomeHandle methods specific to the remote home interface.
As you can see, there is no mention of the ejbMethods... If you come to think about it, this is pretty normal as the ejbMethods are called by the container as a result of a client interaction. For instance, when the client invokes create() on the home interface, ejbCreate will be called on the bean class and the transaction context will be propagated so there is no need to specify the transaction attributes for both create() and ejbCreate(). The same goes for the other methods...
Does this make sense to you?