Hi there !
Someone ask me a good question : Which of those two exams he should take. I wrote my point of vue to him and tought that would be a good subject to debate /discuss.
I passed the SCWCD few months ago, got around 2-3 years of experience in
Servlets &
JSP and currently finishing my preparation for the SCBCD.
Here's what I told him :
It depends on what you want to do but I found
EJB to be really powerful and... specific. By that, I'm saying that in number of cases, you will use a lot more Servlets & JSP thant EJB. Why ? On many aspects, EJB is also for performance issue on really big projects. I don't think that a lot of persons will choose to implement EJB for small 5-30 days projects. And more, EJB is to work with Servlets & JSP (not mandatory but between the end-user client & your DB, you need your business logic. Could be implemented by Servlets/JSP or EJB but the presentation layer CANNOT be done by EJB so is it done by JSP or front-end application (
Java SWING, etc.) or again, Web Services to be used by other non-java application.
Trust me, Servlets & JSP are mandatory for you, or anybody.
I'm started reading the Head First EJB Book, one month & half ago. I finished 2 weeks ago and I have know to do some exercises + read the spec before taking the exam. I still don't see a lot of occasion to use this technology. The other problem is to find other person that knows that deep-level technology, so you can keep the knowledge & development of applications to progress.
I think this is a really interesting debate to do. I'll post this text on JavaRanch to see the opinions of other persons.
Thk !
>As i had written before that i am planning to go for SCWCD 1.4 and got
>your very important views , i then spoke to some of my friends in company
>and they said that instead of going for SCWCD 1.4 i can also go for SCBCD.
>so i am confused about which exam to go for. And just like servlets and jsp
>in EJB too i just hav studied it lightly in the past and have only done
>few assignments in it. so would like to know your views about how tough is
>it and whether i would be able to cope with it.
>would studying Head First EJB be sufficient.
>Wating eagerly for your reply
>Thanks & Regards