Thank you for your response. You replied:
I simply downloaded the J2EE 1.3 JDK, and unzipped it under a folder, and declared a J2EE_HOME variable pointing to the installation folder. The J2EE 1.3 package, when unzipped, contains a j2ee.jar under the /lib folder. You should find the same.
I cannot find anything specifically for the J2EE 1.3 JDK on the Sun Site.
Can you give me an url for Windows XP?
I took the following steps below:
When I go to Sun's site, I go to this url: It mentions only the J2EE SDK not J2ee JDK, so I
go to the following URL: I chose the following link: Sun ONE Application Server 7
I ended up choosing the link: Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 7 Update 4
I tried to unzip this and find a bunch of zips within the zip file, but no
j2ee.jar in lib. (This download is for Win XP). There was a, but no j2ee.jar in it.
Thank you for hearing me out,
Regards and Thanks,