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Y do u do this 2 ur posts

Ranch Hand
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OK, one last time for everyone who can not seem to get it through their heads - no one is saying we can not communicate with someone who uses shorts!!!
We are saying that using them makes communication harder than if words were spelled out and used correctly.
That's all, nothing more - communication is harder, not impossible - no one ever said it was. Most of the people here who reply and try to help people out are fairly intelligent and are quite capable of figuring out the posters intent - too bad it doesn't work the other way too.
Yes, Ravish, if someone really wants to communicate then language isn't an issue, however communiation is a two way street and both parties have to want to and both parties have to make an effort. Do you understand?!- Both parties!!!
Most of us want to help others, that's the main reason why we are here, not because we like one eyed moose. We make an effort everyday to come here and assist other and answer their questions, we spend time reading and interpreting posts from people that dont speak english as a first language but are trying to make their ideas and questions as clear as they can, we help them and they help themselves.
Like I've said before it you make an effort then I'll make an effort.
Ranch Hand
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Originally posted by Dirk Schreckmann:

What happens when we try to evolve (change) a language too fast? You are not efficiently understood.

I think Dirk nailed it. Using such short cuts are like evolving the language toooo fast. May be a few decades from now, that would be the norm but it is not so right now. And so if you use this style in your questions, you may not get responses from a lot of people.
Having said that, I would rather reply to such posts than wasting time on posts that ask, "What is JQ+?".
You will know more about a person by reading what is he/she asking, rather that how he/she is asking. Of course, if reading the post itself is difficult....
Ranch Hand
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Maybe I should accidently close this
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Originally posted by Paul Stevens:
Maybe I should accidently close this

I've thought of doing this too. Just as I think it is fading away into oblivion (Down about 13 subjects from the most recently posted subjects) some one has to get their opinion on this subject and resurrect this subject which has re-iterated the same messages over and over and over...
Ranch Hand
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Originally posted by Paul Stevens:
Maybe I should accidently close this

Yeah, it really should be allowed to die. Oops :roll:
Ranch Hand
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Sometimes I come to the forum with questions and as everybody I make first a search. If I see such incomprehensible short words (for me), I will have to post the question again. So it's a lost of time for me (because I need the answer fast)and for the one who is answerring me.
My english is not that good, and I can say that I've never seen before this short word Y. It is really incomprehensible for me. And the feeling that my english is bad growth.
Yes it is funny!!
No, it doesnt help much!!
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Thanks Jamie Robertson
for providing link to such a beautiful discussion.
Poor Ravish, though he was right but nobody supported him. Watta unity among bartenders.
I have collected some quotes from this thread

by Jamie Robertson
he he! I hate it when someone takes my posts, breaks it into pieces and tries to analyze my thoughts when they post is just a general statement to be taken as a whole!


by Jamie Robertson
If it was, why aren't java "white paper" articles using this notation?

why aren't java "white paper" articles using aren't, won't, can't notation?

by Dave
I hate the short forms except for the standard 'LOL' type ones.

I hate the short forms except for the standard 'U' or 'Y' type ones.

by Roy
no, i wouldnt use short forms writing to my boss but i wouldnt use these words either:
I don't wanna (Valentin)
i cudn't (Jamie)
the point is im not writing here to my boss nor i am writing a resume!
it has nothing to do with laziness but just for the sake of argument ill admit im lazy


by Valentin bartender
"wanna" IS in every respectable American English dictionary

David O'Meara bartender
there's no such thing as 'American English'


by Valentin
from some link:
Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language
blah blah ....It does not have to be stiff or formal, in fact, hacker culture values informal, slangy and humorous language used with precision. But it has to be precise; there has to be some indication that you're thinking and paying attention.


by Ashik uzzaman
I did not consider the topic so much important or seroius so far....


by Ravish
actually man is itself basically lazy
Yes I am lazy and i believe that human is lazy, he invent for lazyness, whatever s/he does is for lazyness, even he works for lazyness(limit of lazyness)


by Ravish
that is the reason I laugh when I see don't, as it is not worth for keyboard .. when u r writing it on paper with pen then I will perfer don't over do not.


by Ravish
belive me "plz" and "pls" are being used in so called profesional letters/mail also.


by Ravish
are you 40+ ?

by Thomas Paul
And yes I'm 40+. Are you 12-?


Warning 1:
As a bartender for javaranch I will tell you that short forms are not acceptable here.

Warning 2:
if English is not your native language, and you have several people for whom English is their native language telling you that this means of communicating in English is not proper, why wouldn't you just accept it?


It is a professional site ... where smilies are allowed ...


The problem with us is that we do not want to change with time.


"Contraction" - Thank you Jason!


By Valentin
I wonder if short forms are...cute and fun
Smilies are cute and fun,

By Jamie
Javaranch site will not look professional and informative


By Valentin
Can somebody explain what the following equation means: cos(u + v) = cos(u).cos(v)-sin(u).sin(v) ???
Roy's answer:
y? that's ez. First u add u and v together and then v are going to develop the eq using trig id. blablabla. Finally, v got cos of u * cos of v min sin of u * sin of v. v are pretty sure that u can understand this coz it is very ez
why ? that's easy. First you add you and we together and then we are going to develop the equation using trigonometric identities. blablabla. Finally, we got cos of you times cos of we minus sin of you times sin of we. We are pretty sure that you can understand this because it is very easy.

By Ravish
Val writes
AAMOF YMMV, but AFAIC and AFAICT and AFAIK LOL is for LOL. But FBOW, ISTR, LOL is also for LOL, LOL and LOL.
if you get these TLAs then YGIAGAM, if you don't then you are VI and I'll TSWC .
TMK it's CWOT, as TTBOMK it's not IOTTMCO.
As a matter of fact your mileage may vary, but as far as I'm concerned and as far as I can tell and as for as I know LOL is for Lots of Love. But for better or worse I seem to recall LOL is also for Laugh out loud, Lots of Luck and Laughing Out Loud.
If you get these three letters acronyms then your guess is as good as mine. If you don't then you are village idiot and I'll tell someone who cares.
To my knowledge it's complete waste of time as to the best of my knowledge it's not intuitively obvious to the most casual observer.
My two cents worth.
- grin
- big grin
- Very big grin
acronym courtesy


By Ravish
I have not seen any "haven't" at any of the other litreature that I frequent.Perhaps they are the standard at the litreature where you normally spend your time?
from some link:
It's = contraction of "it is" Proper usage: "It's too early to tell if this will become the accepted method." Notice that it is rather informal to use "it's" in a professional paper. Better to write out "it is."


By Angela
As for things like LOL, BTW etc ... OK SOME people still don't understand this, but I'm prepared to guide them to a useful site that will help them out, since these are fun and widely used abbreviations for phrases rather than individual words.


By Valentin
it means that the world is very sick, sick of carrying damn lazy people who are not able to use their fingers correctly.

Where is my remote, I want to change channel.
No I am not lazy.
then why not you get up and change channel
I like comfort but certainly not lazy.
Is human lazy?

By Valentin
And allow me to doubt that your gibberish is an evolved form of English

He does not like Ravish's english

By Ravish
Yes this dumb reason is same because of which you back up yourself for so called acronyms(net abbreviations)


By Valentin
I give up... It's no good to fight against wind

By Ravish
Closing your eyes would not help you to fight storm(wind)


By Valentin
I won't reply anymore here since it seems that it only helps you stabilize in your position

I think he is right. and HE proved his all points(Reporter's personal view)

By Ravish
PS: Request to all bartenders and moderators; Please don't give threats, I have very weak heart.


By Ravish
But only if you could have open your eyes then you would have been able to see that my last 5-6 post does not have shorts


By Ravish
I do not know why some people can not take the answer the way they give answers.


By David O'Meara
No contractions on the Ranch!


By David O'Meara
I think that you guys could not prove anything except your POST of bartender.


By Ravish
I can not follow old things for the sake of it. I like chages and change myself.


By Ravish
Those who think that they want to act or write like professional, do they change themselves??

Dave Vick
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And the purpose of that not so brief summation was to ... ??
Ranch Hand
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Now I am also noticing, it has becom very lengthy :roll:
you press Enter once here it's showing 4 times
how can this thread go in oblivion
Dave what is your age?
Dave Vick
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Why do you ask?
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