Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
What would be great is a way of combining the best of both worlds - to have a way of allowing families to come close together, but also to allow people to marry for whatever reason they want.
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
Originally posted by Damanjit Kaur:
Either first hang yourself and then shoot.
First shoot yourself and let others hang you.![]()
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
Regards,<br />Subhash Bhushan.
RKS: Just out of curiosity, how many other men you interacted/interviewed from the point of getting married before finding you husband.
Originally posted by Sonny Gill:
Also, there is a difference in expectations when comparing an arranged marriage vs. love marriage.
Probabely, in an arranged marriage, the most important thing you are looking for in your spouse is that she be a good parent for your kids, get along well with your family, and be a suitable companion in your personal and social life. Whereas, in case of a love marriage, the expectations could be a totally different kind.
As someone said, arranged marriages are successful, because you start from 0, and so can only go up, where as in a love marriage, there is as much chance of the (existing) love withering away as of its growing.
MCP (C# application dev 70-316) 860<br />SCJP 1.4 100% SCJD (URLyBird) 378<br />MAD 100% nuts
IV: when you meet your soul mate arranged or otherwise you just know it. No ammount of questions or interviews will prepare you for it.
kayal cox
"Love at first sight" (sometimes even love itself) is often over-rated.
Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
Very interesting!![]()
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
I wonder if this could be the key factor in the lack of understanding between the western and Indian view of marriages. The same word is used, but a different meaning is being expressed.
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
There are also some negative points though. It seems to me almost as if the couple getting married become tools used by the families to bring about this closeness. While it may lead to a good thing, is it worth pressuring two people to do something that may not want to do? Hopefully in many cases the couple are happy to comply.
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
What would be great is a way of combining the best of both worlds - to have a way of allowing families to come close together, but also to allow people to marry for whatever reason they want.
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
This is also something with good and bad aspects. The knowledge that a marriage is not a common thing will hopefully lead to some careful deliberation before choosing a spouse. I think most people dislike the idea of Britney Spears style weddings done as a drunken game and then cancelled the next day.
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
On the other hand, pressure against divorce and re-marrying could lead to people living in unhappy situations. While a parent must think of their children above all else, if a person looses a partner and it will not harm their children if they get a new one, well its surely not a bad thing.
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
This is sad. Hopefully things will improve and safety can become more common. It must be terrible for a person that has had this kind of thing happen to them - to be a victim twice, once by their assailant and once by society.
Alongwith being a good coder, try to be a good professional as well!
Originally posted by Tina Desai:
There can be many negative points. You cannot probably discuss and check EVERYTHING beforehand and then get married. Even though, as you would have read here, many thing are tried to address.
Marriage IS in fact a common thing. Re-marraige isn't.
If they manage to get to a mandir to get married, the bhatji(clerji? the one who weds people!) will SURELY ask them where their parents are and what makes them marry at night?
It does sometimes. But many a times, people learn to adjust and live. They get thrown in the same marriage again and again. So its like, you either work on it or suffer. So its your choice really. The world is never problem free. Re-marry and go in some other family and face some different set of problems. And when compatibility of more than two people living in a family matters, you can never never expect problem free state.
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
Originally posted by Kashif Riaz:
43?! Good god, what were his requirements? Was he looking for a Java certified wife or someone who is good with Integers?!
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
Alongwith being a good coder, try to be a good professional as well!
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
(in the UK, not sure about elsewhere) the legal process of divorce takes a long time - at least this gives a couple time to work at their problems and/or change their minds.
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
Originally posted by Tina Desai:
Now my turn Dave!!![]()
When I watched the 'Trisha show' for the first time, it was a total surprise. What a show! what sort of problems! God.. swearing and shouting and almost beating each other.
Does it reflect problems of common people or are they extreme, uncommon cases? Are such problems 'not-the-ones-the-majority-faces'? I always wanted a fair opinion on this.
We also see some traffic police shows trying to control people in the city centres at night. Is it a sign of prosperity? People don't even know what they are doing and saying. Police hear it all. And they say, 'These are not bad people, u see. These people are totally different the following morning'. Isn't it alarming?
And I better not talk about few US based shows. I feel frightened.
Are they using freedom well in UK?
Your thoughts please.
There will be glitches in my transition from being a saloon bar sage to a world statesman. - Tony Banks
Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
Yes and no. Some people use their freedom to do incredibly stupid things, but on the whole most people don't.
Alongwith being a good coder, try to be a good professional as well!
Tina: I wish people here understand the benefits they get by simply being born in the richest country in the world. When one has less worries, she/he should give better shot at succeeding in life
I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you - Fred Rogers. Tiny ad:
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