posted 20 years ago
I read in HFE p.460 as well as in spec 15.4.8 p.317 that if the message driven bean uses container managed transaction demarcation, message acknowledgment is handled automatically as a part of the transaction commit. (that is, if I unserstand well, if transaction commits, the receipt will is acknowledged by the container and if the transaction fails, no receipt and the JMS provider will resend the message).
But, as far as I know, it's allowed to specify two attributes for a transaction in CMT: Required and NotSupported.
For Required, what the spec explains is OK, because there's a valid transaction context.
But if NotSupported is specified, there's no valid transaction context present and I don't understand how in this case, acknowledgment should be tied to the transaction.
In this case, should'nt we use the tag <acknowledge-mode> too, as we do for BMT?
Thanks for youe responses,
[ November 15, 2004: Message edited by: cyril vidal ]