posted 20 years ago
HFE p.499 on unspecified transaction context.
All the methods that are said to run in unspecified context:
1�) any CMT method marked NotSupported, Supports or Never
2�) CMT session bean methods ejbCreate(), ejbRemove(), ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate.
3�) CMT message driven bean methods ejbCreate() and ejbremove().
First remark:
on 2�) why the only mention of CMT. According to the spec, BMT session bean methods ejbCreate(), ejbRemove(), ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate also run in a unsppecifed context.
What about the afterCompletion method in case of CMT stateful bean? It also runs in a unspecifed transaction context.
Second remark:
What about ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate() methods of entity beans that also run in a unspecified context according to spec p.180?
[ November 20, 2004: Message edited by: cyril vidal ]