I finally can compile and run the AdviceClient. Here the stats, Windows XP, jdk1.4.2.06, j2ee1.3.1 The j2ee.jar classpath is set correctly so that the bean and interface classes are able to compile.
In compiling the AdviceClient, the j2ee.jar classpath is appended explicitly.
i.e. javac -classpath {classpath:AdviceAppClient.jar}{classpath:j2ee.jar}AdviceClient.java
Then there was another problem when trying to run the client. The AdviceClient class is not found, eventhough the command promt is at that directory the class is right there. Thank Angus
Rose from the forum
link I still need to
a)explicitly append the j2ee classpath,
b)set the working directory in the sys env
c)explicitly append . in the classpath while running
java -classpath {classpath:AdviceAppClient};{classpath:j2ee.jar};.; AdviceClient
I know it is strange that the j2ee.jar has to be explicitly appended, may be b/c it is XP.
As Kathy mentioned, take 10 minutes to write the bean code, but 3 days to get it to work. Whew....
I am glad and happy anyhow.
javaranch forum is really useful