posted 20 years ago
Hi Kathy,
in page 80 spec, the methods of the stateful session bean with CMT are given which can access the methods on SessionContext and the resoures.
there is
can access
Resource manager access
Enterprise bean access
even if they are in unspacified transaction context the reason may be this
given at page 81 spec
Accessing resource managers and enterprise beans is disallowed in the session bean methods
for which the Container does not have a meaningful transaction context or client security context.
In above case we have Security context because it is Stateful session bean.
But now my qestion is that if this is allowed because of security context then even In CMT
execute in unspacified transaction and have the security context to it then
Resource manager access
Enterprise bean access
is not allowed in this case. Pls answer this i have very big doubt.
[ December 07, 2004: Message edited by: sandeep vaid ]