thanks for the reply
I did understood little bit now
Your understanding as well as HF's illustration are correct. The spec leaves it
to the container to handle this (possibly during deploy-time customization).
The container can choose to have two distinct bean instances,
one for each client. This allows the transactions (initiated by the two clients)
to run in parallel. The container synchronizes the instance state with the
persistent store and vice versa at the beginning and end of each transaction.
what i understood from the above lines are
1. since entity beans are also pooled and bean state will re-loaded
when a business method is called(with ejbActivate()/ejbLoad() mechanism)
with this in mind when the client1 and client2
request customer#420, an instance will be returned
from pool(or new instace will created)
and howz those instances are synchronized is left to the vendor depending on transactions
is my understanding right for point#1?
Also you said 'deploy-time customization' ,It will be greatfull to me if you expand this topic littlebit(or guide me where to look in this spec,sorry to trouble you)
but still i am confused about following line(s)
On the other hand, the container may also choose
to have only instance for all the invoking clients
and serialize access to this instance. Therefore,
while one client is using the instance in a transaction, the other client will wait
serialize access to one instance? this is clearly voilating entity bean life cycle right??(according to spec entity beans can be pooled that means mutiple customer#420 's will be avialble in the pool and as i mentioned in point 1.)
sorry to give you guys trouble but i really want to straighten up my concepts before leaving HF pg 99
please re-direct me correct page number in the spec atleast!!
thanks for your co-operation