posted 19 years ago
Text from Spec:
Bean Provider:
"The Bean Provider of an enterprise bean with container-managed transaction demarcation may optionally
specify the transaction attributes for the enterprise bean�s methods. See Subsection 17.4.1."
Application Assembler:
Providing the transaction attributes for an enterprise bean is an optional requirement for the Application
Assembler, because, for a given enterprise bean, the Application Assembler must either specify a value
of the transaction attribute for all the methods for which a transaction attribute must be specified, or the
Assembler must specify none. If the transaction attributes are not specified for the methods of an enterprise
bean, the Deployer will have to specify them.
"The Deployer is responsible for ensuring that the methods of the deployed enterprise beans with container-
managed transaction demarcation have been assigned a transaction attribute. If the transaction
attributes have not been assigned previously by the Assembler, they must be assigned by the Deployer."