posted 19 years ago
Hi Prahant,
Good question. For stateful when you creating, you have identity(Client who calling the create method on home). So once you have security identity until the bean destory the identity has been kept by the container. So that security identity is available in ejbPassivate and ejbActivate.
But in entity bean,
As per our previous expert statement, after ejbActivate only we have security info.Because after the ejbActivate only container assigning a EJBObject, then only our business call delegate(this time only container assign a client info to this entitybean instance).
Simmilarlly,when container decided to call ejbPassivate on a entity instance means further business calls might not processed by this instance. So that client informations are removed from instance in entity bean. So that we don't have security info in ejbPassivate.
Kasimurugan R.
Thanks & Regards
Kasimurugan (SCJP1.4, SCBCD1.3), Preparing SCWCD1.4