posted 19 years ago
First assumes, For every entity objects selected as result of findByXXX has indiviual reference and return as whole collection in single reference(Collection reference).
So, many to one means, the entity objects in collection(one side as cmr field) can be possible in the one collection of the same relation ship type.
So that if we want one entity object from one collection to another collection means, effectively as move the entity object from one collection to another collection.
Likewise many to many relation ship means, one entity objects can be possible in more than one collection, so that the same entity object reference can be possible in more than one collection, so that if we want one entity object from one collection to another collection means entity objects reference are copied.
Thanks & Regards
Kasimurugan (SCJP1.4, SCBCD1.3), Preparing SCWCD1.4