Hey Mike,
Well, that's not exactly what it says. Yes, any calls on the session context not allowed in table 3 (also on page 90) should cause an IllegalStateException. Also from that page:
Invoking the getEJBObject and getEJBLocalObject methods is disallowed in the session
bean methods in which there is no session object identity associated with the instance.
However, that is just explaining why getEJBObject is not allowed by table 3 in certain places. Although, it would seem to be true for ejbCreate, table 3 specifically allows getEJBObject in ejbCreate. That doesn't make sense to me, and so far no one has been able to explain it, not even the people who claim it makes sense to them.
The practical consequences aren't very important. For the
test, just memorize what the spec says for this case. For real life, don't access getEJBObject from the ejbCreate method for stateless session beans. There's no particular reason you'd have to anyway.