I have taken this reference from EJB cookbook, which may help you to understand the things.
Let�s examine a query method description from the deployment
descriptor more closely:
Each custom finder method should be described by a <query/> block in the
deployment descriptor for each bean. In the <query/> tag, you specify the method
name and its parameter types (in the order that they appear in the method).
Lastly, you specify the EJB-QL
string that represents the entity bean query that the
method should execute to return an entity bean or beans to the EJB client.
An EJB-QL string resembles a
JDBC prepared statement in that arguments are
represented by a question mark (?). However, in EJB-QL you also add a number
next to the ? that specifies which argument it represents (first, second, third, and
so forth). EJB-QL is not hard to use, but it also does not encompass as many features
as SQL. Examining our statements, you can see they have three parts:
1.The SELECT clause can return any EJB object, CMP, or CMR field. When
returning an EJB, the statement must use the OBJECT() operator to surround
the return type. If returning a field, you can simply state the field,
like SELECT a.symbol. In the SELECT part, you can also make use of the DISTINCT
keyword, as in SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT(a). This will cause each
returned value to be unique, with no duplicates.
2.The FROM clause allows you to select the scope to pull data from. For
instance, in our queries we are extracting data from the EquityBean EJBs.
The AS keyword lets you rename the bean with an identifier. The identifier
cannot be a name that is already used for an EJB name or abstract schema
name (and the identifier is not case sensitive).
3. The WHERE clause lets you drill down to specific data by setting up conditions.
The data returned from the statement must meet the conditions in
this clause. In our example, the lastTrade field of an EquityBean EJB should
be greater than our input parameter.
For more information on EJB-QL, go to
Here Hope, it helps
[ March 29, 2006: Message edited by: Mishra Anshu ]
[ March 29, 2006: Message edited by: Mishra Anshu ]