i just realised that running j2sdkee-1_3_1-win.exe with jdk5 wonnt work.
so i asked my self is it really nesecery to go with the jdk1.3 and this j2sdkee-1_3_1-win.exe in order to compleate the HF-book?
ok i will try other way - is ejb2.1 backwarts compatible with 2.0?
if so, couldunt i use some of this sun app-servers 8.x or so, couse they are j2ee1.4 compatible and
j2ee runs ejb 2.1? so i dont have to uninstall jdk5?
is anybody tryed this HF-book ejb2.0 examples on any j2ee1.4 app-server and if do they work?