If a system exception is thrown and it is a subtype of runtimeException for example a NoSuchObjectLocalException then the client will get it as it is yes? but if the exception is a subtype of RemoteException such as TransactionRequiredException, this will not be thrown to the client as a remoteException(if client is remote) but instead be thrown as just a RemoteException to remote clients and EjbException to local clients?
When it comes to system exceptions, Remote clients always gets NoSuchObjectException,TransactionRequiredException and TransactionRolledBackException.If anything else happens which are not covered by the above,you get RemoteException.
Atleast,this is how i have understood about exceptions
But Valentin, according to this pdf explanation, the only exception(system) the client can ever receive is the TransactionRolledBack<X>exception and for all else the client will get either a RemoteEx or EJBEx. Is this correct? [ December 08, 2006: Message edited by: Tontang Bei ]
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