-JPA requires only two pieces of metadata: @javax.persistence.Entity and @javax.persistence.Id.
-by default, all properties are persistent.
-Instead of O/R annotations you can, alternatively, use the orm.xml (WEB-INF/) to describe the mapping.
<entity class="mypackage.MyClass" access="PROPERTY">
<id name="id">
===elementary schema mappings===
@Column(name="COL_NAME", nullable=false, columnDefinition="integer")
@Column(name="COL_NAME", length=20)
-Every entity bean must have a PK (and it must be unique, dah).
-You can generate the PK manually or using the @javax.persistence.GeneratedValue annotation.
Is possible use tables to get the generated IDs.
@TableGenerator(name="CUST_GENERATOR" ...)
@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.TABLE, generator="CUST_GENERATOR")
Using Oracle Sequence Generators...
@SequenceGenerator(name="CUSTOMER_SEQUENCE", sequenceName="CUST_SEQ")
@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="CUSTOMER_SEQUENCE")
===Composite Keys===
There are two ways to map composite keys: @javax.persistence.IdClass and @javax.persistence.EmbeddedId.
NOTE: PK autogeneration is not supported for composite keys.
-The first way to define a composite PK is using @IdClass
You need to create a PK composite class and this class must:
.be serializable
.have a public no-arg constructor
.implements equals() and hashCode()
@IdClass(MyPKComposite.class) //a serializable, +equals() +hashCode, no-public constructor, class.
public class SomeClass implements {
//NOTE The SomeClass must have the same exact properties as the MyPKComposite class
String firstName;
private String lastName;
private long ssn;
private String getFirstName() { return... }
private String getLastName() { return... }
private long getSsn() { return... }
//... and setters.
Another whay to define a PK composite is using the @EmbeddedId annotation:
-On this scenario, you need to create a PK composite class with the @Embeddable annotation
-You also can use @Embedded to embed nonentity
Java Objetis (do not have any identity) within your entity bean.
public class MyPKComposite implements {
//... column mappings
@Column(name="REAL_COLUMN_NAME") //if you dont like this, you can use @AttributeOverrides instead.
public String getLastName() { //... }
public class SomeClass implements {
private String firstName;
private MyPKComposite pk;
public MyPKComposite getPk() { //... }
// --- OR (dependes if @Column was not used in PK definition class) ----
@AttributeOverride(name="lastName", column=@Column(name="REAL_COLUMN_NAME")),
//... all overrides
public MyPKComposite getPk() { //... }
//...other getters and setters.
===== property mappings =====
-@Transient: By default, all properties are persistent - use @Transient to avoid this behaviour.
-@Basic(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, optional=false) (usually you would never need this)
.Is just a hint! the provider could use FetchType.EAGER even if you choose LAZY.
.when optional is true, the property is treated as nullable.
-@Temporal provides aditional information about date/time properties in DB.
-@Lob to persist in a Blob or Clob DB field.
@Basic(fetch=FetchType.Lazy, optional=true)
public JPEG getPicture() { //... };
-@Enumerated maps Java enum types to the DB.
@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) //String enum value instead of ORDINAL (default) number.
publc MyEnum getMyEnum() { //... }
-@SecondaryTable to deal with one logical entry stored in two (OR MORE) different tables.
@Table(name="CUSTOMER_TABLE", pkJoinColumns={@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="ADDRESS_ID")})
public class Customer implements {
@Column(name="STREET", table="ADDRESS_TABLE")