I took my exam today. It was ok.
Even i had reffered to specs and no other books except for MDBs, I reffered Mastering
EJB for MDBs. Last two days i went thru MZ notes also which helped me a lot to recollect so many points during exams.
1) Around 20 to 22 questions on MDBs (given a scenario which is best suited Queue or Topic)
2) 20 to 30 on session beans (atleast 10 tricky ones for Eg : a stateless session bean with BMT invoking stateful session bean with BMT and transaction in one of the method getting rolled back.. Some combinations like this)
3) 4 or 5 on interoperability -- all straight forward ones.
Atleast 10 on interceptors, order of invocation , JNDI env related questions (how to get ref to resources when Session context is injected and when looking up thru initial context)
4) Many questions on transactions (can not exactly remenber the number )
5) Atleast 5 to 6 questions on Persistence units (EAR file having multiple persistance Units) .. this is where i was stuck :-(
Well this is all i could remember as of now.
Wishing Every one happy new year and all the best to those who are yet to take the exam.