Dear Friends
I took SCBCD 5.0 Beta Exam on 30th Dec in China. The center in Hangzhou is not open on sunday and holidays, so yestoday was the last day I can take the exam.
My engish is not very good,What I write might be a little difficulty for you all to read.
I read Head first
EJB,Mastering EJB3.0 (1-11),Mikalai Zaikin's SCBCD 5.O study guid and ejb 3.0 spec (but not finished).
Head first EJB is the best book for certification I ever read,and it make thing esay to understand .
Even for EJB3.0 it still make a lot help, the last three chapters can still uesd before the new version is published.I wish the new version will come soon.
ejb 3.0 spec are import, but reading this is time comsuming, Mikalai Zaikin's SCBCD 5.O study guid pick out the most import thing about the exam.
I took the exam from 9 a.m,and I did not have time to check. 5 hours exam is a real hard job.
I will try to remember some question about my
test,wish that will help a lot for those are prepairing the exam.
The test has 180 questions and 70+ questions have two answer keys,near 5 questions have three or more,3 about exhibit( 2 about JPQL)
The test starts with the JPQL,about UPDATE,MEMBER OF,SELCT,JOIN etc.
There are so many questions about Entity.
Injection of PersistenceUnit,PersistenceContext,Id; primary key class, entity relationships ,mapping to tables, are hotspot.also about calling sequence of Interceptor,
a lot questions about session with Entity
several questions about lookup by Injection context and InitialContext.
about 5 questions aoubt how to use EJB3.0 with EJB2.1.
a lot questions aoubt transaction. CMT and BMT, the transaction
propagation,SUCH AS

ropagation between BMT and CMT,between CMT methods,HOW TO SUCCESS BOTH A transaction supported DB and LDAP tha t not support transaction
Exceptions throw from life callback ,transaction,and during transaction
propagation.SUCH AS: USE @ApplicationException (rollback is true or false) to rollback. what exception be cought when a transaction method calling another transaction method
Questions of MDB about the right way to write a right MDB,and operation with session beans.
several questions about xml,resouce-ref, ejb-ref,res-env-ref,for JNDI search.
Pricipal and Role are also tested. SUCH AS Pricipal.getName (about 3 question).
I didn't have time to check, up are that all I remembered.
Now I just sIt sight and wait for the result,And read Head first
Servlets and
JSP Thanks to SUN for giving me the opportunity to have the beta exam
Thanks to Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates for your excellent book
Thanks to Mikalai Zaikin's for your SCBCD 5.O study guid
Thanks to
java ranch for providing a platform to share information and experience
best wish to you all!