Can I see the Cloudscape database contents where CMP/BMP entity beans are persisted in a GUI way? You can definitely see those persisted tables in a GUI way. After the release of
J2EE 1.3 Cloudscape database was acquired by IBM. Thats why Sun stopped bundling Cloudscape alongwith J2EE kit.
If you�ve configured J2EE_HOME system variable properly following command will give you Cloudscape database contents in GUI way. You may save following command in some batch file like cloudview.bat.
java -classpath "%classpath%";%J2EE_HOME%\lib\jhall.jar;%J2EE_HOME%\lib\cloudscape\cloudclient.jar;%J2EE_HOME%\lib\cloudscape\RmiJdbc.jar;%J2EE_HOME%\lib\cloudscape\cloudview.jar %J2EE_HOME%\cloudscape\CloudscapeDB