The answer given by HFEJB to mock exam question 14 on page 248 is C only. However according to spec page 90, stateless session bean ejbRemove and ejbCreate can access UserTransaction as well if it is BMT.
You are right stateless SB can call getUserTransaction() in ejbCreate & ejbRemove but stateful SB cannot do so. The question is asking methods that both stateful SB and stateless SB can access userTransaction methods.
You are right stateless SB can call getUserTransaction() in ejbCreate & ejbRemove but stateful SB cannot do so. The question is asking methods that both stateful SB and stateless SB can access userTransaction methods.
You are right stateless SB[ can not ]call getUserTransaction() in ejbCreate & ejbRemove but stateful SB [ can ] do so. The question is asking methods that both stateful SB and stateless SB can access userTransaction methods.
Spec p.80 is for stateful SB, p.90 is for stateless SB.
Pratta, yes, you are correct, both BMT stateful and stateless SB can access getUserTransaction in ejbCreate and ejbRemove. So HFEJB, p.248, Q14 answer should be A, B and C.
Thanks for rajan's reminder and pratta's question.
I double-checked the ejb 2.0 spec.
Spec p.80 is for stateful SB, p.90 is for stateless SB.
Pratta, yes, you are correct, both BMT stateful and stateless SB can access getUserTransaction in ejbCreate and ejbRemove. So HFEJB, p.248, Q14 answer should be A, B and C.
I don't get it. A whale wearing overalls? How does that even work? It's like a tiny ad wearing overalls.