Hi Anand,
I took about 2-3 months to do this from scratch (ie no experience of EJBs) using
Enterprise Java Beans 3.0 (OReilly - Burke, Monson-Haefel)Beginning EJB 3 Application Development (Apress - Kodali, Wetherbee)EJB 3.0 SpecsEPractice exams from Sun (GB-WGS-PREX-J091C) I found the practice exams the most helpful, though a bit expensive. They were definitely worth it as they give you an idea of the kind of questions and also where you have gaps.
I must admit I found it hard. I failed the two
test exams with 50% and 49%, but I went throug each question and checked against the spec and made notes. The test exams give you references in the various EJB specs where you can find more information - they are a little bit out of date though as the spec has changed since they wrote these exams - so you have to hunt around sometimes.
When I took the exam, I made sure I marked every question I had doubts about, and had an hour to go at the end where I reviewed all 30 o the ones I had doubts about. When I went through these again reading the questions VERY carefully.
Anyway, all the best with your studies,