I took the exam this morning and scored 94%, with 4 wrong out of 70 questions after a month preparation.
What advice can I give?
This is what I did: Bought HF
EJB book, read it page by page, did every pencil questions and chapter-end questions, reviewed what questions I did wrong,
read those pages in the EJB spec that are referenced in those chapter answers. After finishing the book, I read it again, but this time it was a quick review in 3-4 days and I picked up those points I didn't understand and those I forgot. Then I did the final mock exam and scored 71% only. LOL.. but well, not worried, I knew I could only do better in the real exam.
Along the way, I wrote important and memorization stuff on flash
cards, but I didn't have time to go through them before the exam today.
Things you could do but I didn't do if you have the time:
Review your hand-written notes, e.g. those flash
Read the whole EJB spec.

but I think KB's reference pages in each chapter 's answers are sufficient. They are the important ones in the whole spec.
Thanks KB for such a good book and thanks for my money paid to you.

[ June 21, 2007: Message edited by: warren li ]