i have entity bean with container managed relationship.
when i try to insert duplicate primary key the entity bean throws exception as expected.
At client side i get remote exception as "java.rmi.RemoteException: Transaction aborted; nested exception is: javax.transaction.RollbackException: Transaction marked for rollback."
In log file exception is "Some remote or transactional roll back exception occurred com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.support.JDODataStoreException: JDO76400: Got a
JDBC SQLException while executing the SQL statement:
insert into "STUDENTBEAN"("FIRSTNAME", "LASTNAME", "STUDENTID") values ( ?, ?, ?)"
I am using the facade
pattern to control my entity
ejb's, via local interfaces only.
in session bean i am inserting row in student table as follows.
I want to get
DuplicateKeyException at client side but i am getting java.rmi.RemoteException Please help me to get DuplicateKeyException at client side.