Hey Ranchers,
I just took the SCBCD 5 exam and I'm very glad to say that thank God I Passed it. I had 48 of 61 questions which is 78% (not so good ... but considering that I passed the
SCJP 5 exam on July 12 and studied for SCBCD 5 for like 3 weeks ,,, it is not too bad either). I also have some previous experience (mostly college work) in
J2EE 1.3 but almost none in JEE 5-EJB 3.
I want to thank all the ranchers here that helped me with my questions ... Mikalai Zaikin for his notes (this reading is a MUST) ... and also the experience sharing of Ashraf Fouadl and Shivani Chandna because they were VERY helpful.
I think the best learning path towards the SCBCD 5.0 certification (IF you don't want to read directly the specification) is:
1- Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 - O'Reilly.
2- Pro EJB 3
Java Persistence API - Apress. (Chapters 3 to 7)
3- Mikalai Zaikin Notes (With the Specification in the other hand because MZ maps every certification objective to the specification's specific chapters).
- The two first books are to start to learn EJB 3 architecture from 0%. Actually, the last chapters of the Oreilly's book about databse locks and Isolations levels are not (at least for me) really important. The most important locking technique for this exam is the Optimistic Locking ... (I got like 3 @Version field related questions).
-MZ Notes are focused on the
test. They go objective-by-objective. MZ points all the sentences and words that are key for the test. That is really really helpful.
* Suggestions:
Is very important to read the tables (and the following explanations) of the Specification about 'Operations Allowed' in every type of method of every EJB 3 component. There are many questions about this, because in code-questions you have to check first if the operations used are allowed in each method.
Try to memorize the least you can, memorizing too much can be dangerous. Everything (or at least almost everything) that is restricted o required in the specification have its 'Why' explanation, for example All the EJB components needs a no-args constructor, but do not memorize this, understand that they need it because since the container manage the EJB lyfecycle, at creation time, the only way he can create the instances of the EJBs is with the newInstance() method of the reflection API which calls a no-args constructor of the beans ... so, if there is no default constructor, EJB creation is not possible. Just a simple example to clarify what I mean.
I find very helpful the Relational-world (Persistence provider) point of view at trying to understands the @Many-related relationships ... How the Persistence provider is going to persist a Collection (Foreing key with Unique constraint - FK without Unique constraint - JoinTable... etc)?, Why the @ManyToOne side of the bidirectional @OneToMany - @ManyToOne is always the owning side ?... etc etc. (At least 3 or 4 relationships questions are guaranteed to appear in the test)
My worst section was Security ... I really did not think it was important for this test ... and here is the result ... lol.
I hope this suggestions help everybody here that is planning to take this test.