Hey Guyz,
Today I have thot to prepare for SCBCD exam , the most difficult Qs is whether to go for 3.0 or 2.0?
I dont have any handson or even theortical knowledge on
EJB. I am aware of the fact that EJB3 is much better than 2.x and there is a drastic chnge in this technology. Use of Annotations and JPA and removal of Entity beans.
And I think that EJB3 is the future hopefully till new specs come.
I still am more inclined to give EJB2.0 exam bcos
1. HF is available for 2 and 3 will be out only by mid of next yr hopefully.
2. whizlabs simulator is only available for version 2
And I want to study and donw with the exam in 2 mnths time. As will be in job market after that.
Any ideas, suggestions will be appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation.