Hi Everyone,
I am new to EJBs so started with EJB2.0
I am doing study of
EJB 2.0 from HF EJB book and hence run the ch-1 example (AdviceBean) on J2EE RI server. I have query regarding that.
I have also read ch-2 of same book, but could not get that what thing is on the server side that communicate with home and component interface stubs (as in RMI we have skelton).
Client class files
- Client jar classes
- Home interface class file
- Component Remote Interface class file
- Home stub class file
- Component Remote Interface stub class file
Server side ejb jar: classes and DD
- EJB Bean (suppose SessionBean) class
- Home interface class file
- Component Remote Interface class file
- Home and Component Remote interface implemented classes which are actual source for creating the stubs (home and remote).
- ejb-jar.xml
So my question is : i have seen that the server side jar (C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\repository\delpagand\applications) that is deployed has also home and remote stubs, which i think should only be on the side of client jar.
Also one more query that create client jar has all the required things in addition to EJB Bean class also that i think, is not required.
Please confirm.