Hi Ranchers,
I am working with a MNC ( not with
JAVA profile) , I always liked to learn JAVA , I have done
SCJP 5 certification .
Long back i had purchased three books for Head First altogether( Core Java ,
Servlets and
EJB 2.0) , I am done with SCWCD Head First book ( 3 times) but due to shortage of time ( and out of curiousity and my liking of Bible book ) I have done HF EJB book also (twice).
Head first books are so fabulous ,Hats off to K&B, unbeatble efforts they have put in....
Now I am very much concerned when i saw current version of EJB is 5.0 ( not even 3.0 or 4.0)
Is my all hardwork waste now ?, Do i have to start reading EJB 5.0 ( as an starter )??
[I am very much worried , as i had to take out time alongwith my job]
Please guide me..waiting for lights...
Thanking in advance
Vishal Chugh