Hi there,
Usually the people recommend the book
- O'Reilly, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, by Bill Burke, Richard Monson-Haefel
I read it and it is very good.
I'm finishing my studies for SCBCD 5 (reading the specification now) and I used the following books/articles
- I bought the O'Reilly books, but until it arrive at home, it takes 1 month (cuz I'm from Brazil and I bought in the Amazon). Meanwhile I read the free pdf Matering enterprise JavaBeans 3.0. It gave me a good background, but certainly the O'Reilly's book is better
- I bought/read the Pro EJB3 Java Persistence API - APress book. It gave me a excellent acknowledge about JPA.
- I read the MZ's study guide (in my opinion it was the best study resource). You can find it here:
http://java.boot.by/scbcd5-guide/ - And finally (I'm reading yet), the core specification. I'm not reading the whole documentation, only the chapters said here:
https://coderanch.com/forums/ - You can try some mock exam as well (I bought the enthuware).
Good luck
Regards, Jair Rillo Junior
http://www.jairrillo.com/blog, SCJA 1.0, SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 5.0, IBM SOA Associate (Test 664).