The objective for this is
Section 10 - Designing and Developing
JSP pages Using JavaBean Components
10.1 For any of the following tag functions, match the correctly constructed tag, with attributes and values as appropriate, with the corresponding description of the tag's functionality:
Declare the use of a JavaBean component within the page.
Specify, for jsp:useBean or jsp:getProperty tags, the name of an attribute.
Specify, for a jsp:useBean tag, the class of the attribute.
Specify, for a jsp:useBean tag, the scope of the attribute.
Access or mutate a property from a declared JavaBean.
Specify, for a jsp:getProperty tag, the property of the attribute.
Specify, for a jsp:setProperty tag, the property of the attribute to mutate, and the new value.
10.2 Given JSP page attribute scopes: request, session, application, identify the equivalent
servlet code.
10.3 Identify techniques that access a declared JavaBean component.
Hope This Helps
Carl Trusiak, SCJP2