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I've done it and so can You. Thanks a lot to All of you...

Ranch Hand
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Dear All,
Its one of the finest days of my life. I am highly relieved and my last few weeeks effort paid off more than expected. Once again i crossed the 90's. Yeah, i scored 94% in SCWCD.
Though the result is mine, but the efforts were not along mine. I must thank:
a.) All the people who took part actively/inactively in the following forums :
www.javaranch.com www.jchq.net
These conversations and discussions really helped specially because of the newness of this exam. Thanks guys/gals including those at jchq (specially marcus), it was indeed a great help from all of you. Thanks for answering my queries which kept me worryfree at many stages.
This forum of ours has really grown up in a short time. Its a great effort from its creators and all of us. Lest make this even BIGGER.
b.) Then i would like to thank those whizkids at www.whizlabs.com/jwhiz . SCWCD@Whiz IS GREAT. No doubt about the reviews by people like tony alicea and others. As rajat told in his thread http://www.javaranch.com/ubb/Forum18/HTML/000123.html, i am also impressed with the closeness of the questions of scwcdwhiz with the actual exam.
I waslucky to get the latest update of scwcdwhiz ( 2 days before my exam) with their Unique Quiz. As they wrote at their site in the mail to me, it really had a significant contribution to my score, atleast 10%. An innovative feature which is higly useful for exams like this specially scwcd as it needs you to cram many things. I think its because of this quiz only that i could score 100% in DD questions and many short answer/fill in the blank questions.
c.) I also used sun practice tests but im almost disappointed. Maybe sun intentially kept it apart from the actual exam. It's not ethical for the teacher to leak the question paper.. similar analogy. But still it had a contribution.
d.) I must thank ken bcoz of his great notes. I am sure with time, it will evolve furhter and will be complete... and more helpful to people who are yet to wear the scwcd crown. Thanks ken. Keep it up!!!
e.) My sincere thanks goes to Carl for his great efforts in creating the links page and mock exam. Thanks carl and his team. Keep it up!!! I hope carl will read this
Another thing which i believe help others (which helped me as well) is to share my background and amount of effort i put in.
Overall i've around 2.5 years of s/w experince out of which 1.5 year is in java out of which 9 months has been in JSP/Servlets/JavaBeans/EJB's. My whole practice for this exam was on Weblogic 5.1 server. But i think any of the webserver's be it J2EE server, tomcat, weblogic, websphere will help as they follow the specs.
I actually studied for around 1.5 months with around 2-3 hours a day. Most of my time was spent in going through Specs which i believe is THE BEST SOURCE for this exam. I followed Core Servlets and JSP and JSP (o'reilly). But these books doesn't cover everything. For e.g. for design patterns, nothing can match the tutorial at sun's site. Before i forget, my personal advice is to use the JSP syntax guide about which not everyone is yet awared of. This is really handy and helps at every stage. The link for this is : http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/pdf/card11.pdf ( you will need acrobat reader)
Now coming to the exam:
As shared by rajat and others, its comparatively simpler than SCJP. The paper doesn't involve many code based questions like scjp and you need not slog through ten's if not hunderd's of mock exams like scjp. But there is one catch, for scjp a person with sound knowledge and experience in java can score very high as the current pattern doesn't involve knowing the methods/interfaces/syntax's of such a wide jdk1.2 api. Here its different, you need to cram many things like DD's hierarchy, you need to browse through the specs to actually learn which method belongs to which class/interface and what's the relationship b/w different DD elements and their correct names.
Similar to scjp, you will have enough time to go through each and every question. Not many questions are code based but there are many short answer questions. Thus you must knowthe name of the method/class/interface/DD element/return type etc. The proportion of the questions is almost similar to the one posted by rajat.
Although i got one question from one of the design patterns (im not able to recall) which is not in the prescribed list of 4 patterns, but it was intutive enough to guess. So you people need not worry much. Infact this was one of the point where i was worried. Regarding filters, i didn't receive any question and im not still not sure whether anyone gets any question on it.
There were many questions asking you to check the syntax of jsp code, so please make sure you know the difference between an expression and a scriptlet and things like that. DON't MISS ANY DD ELEMENT as prescribed in the syllabus. Many question will be there. I believe knowing DTD (xml) terminogly helps you remeber the relationship (like element a must contain 1 or more occurences of b).
For me i believe i lost marks in listeners topic and web application structure. Please give enough time to listeners topic for two things :
a.) Various listener DD elements
b.) Various interfaces/classes and their methods. There were few fill in the blank question asking you write the interface name to which the given method belongs to.
To summarize all the resources which i found useful were:
I.) JSP and Servlet Specs (MOST IMP, you can't afford to miss them. Give enough time browsing and slogging through one page to another)
II.) Core Servlets and JSP and JSP (o'reilly) books ( didn't have time to try others, im sure other books will be equally good)
III.) SCWCD@Whiz Mock Tests and Quiz ( tells you the kind of questions u'll get and make you confident and Quiz - higly recommended for revising DD elements and methods/classes of API)
IV.) Kens Notes (Incomplete but really useful)
V.) Desing patterns tutorial at sun (in my knowledge the best source to prepare for this topic)
VI.) JSP syntax guide (people are yet not aware of this tiny but useful resource)
VII.) My project code (Having real life and practical exposure helps to great extent)
VIII) taglib tutorial at jakarta : http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/tutorial.html
IX) Listeners tutorial : http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2001/04/12/listeners.html
I think my post has grown like a Titanic and before is gives boredom to any of my friend, i would like to close this before finally thanking all of you for your contribution.
I would be happy to help other of my fellow friends in this not so tough yet worthy journey to Web Component Developer Certification.
My heartly wishes to all of you
SCJP2, SCWCD, more to follow
Enthuware Software Support
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Congratulations, Rachel! Great job indeed.
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Hi Rachel,
Its superb performance. Pl accept my congratulations and best wishes.
Many many thanks for taking pain to share you highly commendable success. Don't call boredom to your message, its highly highly useful for anyone appearing for SCWCD.
Honesly its a great analysis and will definitely help all of us. I am sure you will not go away from here and help us follow you.
Oncea again many many congrats for your success and the efforts taken by you to help others.
Ranch Hand
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Way to go Rachael
An excellent description too, thanks it'll help me alot in the months ahead while I study.
Best of luck for the future
Ranch Hand
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Hello Rachel,
Congratulations on becoming an SCWCD!!
And thanks for all the tips,suggestions and advices.
All the best for the future!!
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Wow! Congrats Rachel! That's a very respectable score
Ranch Hand
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congratulations !!
BTW what was your score in scjp2?
Can you provide link for:
e.) My sincere thanks goes to Carl for his great efforts in creating the links page and mock exam. Thanks carl and his team. Keep it up!!! I hope carl will read this
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Congratulations Great Score!
Thank You!

Tony Alicea
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Originally posted by Om Sonie:
congratulations !!
BTW what was your score in scjp2?
Can you provide link for:

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hey rach,
Its a great score and very useful info for all of us.
Congrats man.
The list of resources by you is really great. I didn't know that scwcdwhiz comes with quiz along. This feature really looks great and innovative. Now i am going for it.
will come back with my queries to you.
again congs
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Hi White,
Very respectable score. Congrats.
Thanks for the help
Ranch Hand
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Hey Rachel,
You've done it man. I am envous : ) just joking.
Great job man... its really cool.. Congs from my side.
And thanks for appreciating my feedback and message. I get satisfaction.
We owe so much to other guys at this forum and lets help others conquer this journey.
Lets contribute to the efforts of others like carl.
What do others say and carl, how can we contribtue to your efforts?
George King
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True rajat and rachel and other successful guys can contribute to others success.
Let carl talk about this. I fully support your motive.
best wishes
Carl Trusiak
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Anyone who wishes to contribute something. New notes, new links, a question for the mock exam, whatever. My email address is [email protected]
Ranch Hand
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Rachel and all,
For your information, there is a new syntax card for JSP 1.2 - http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/pdf/card12.pdf
Take a look!
[This message has been edited by Kevin Yip (edited September 21, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Kevin Yip (edited September 21, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Kevin Yip (edited September 21, 2001).]
Ranch Hand
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Congrats Rachel! Gr8 score....
When i came in this site to prepare for SCJP2 exam....i was actually addicted to c all people's ques/ans in the programmer Certifiaction Study Forum....and to provide some service how from my part....nice days those were....
I m now again inspired at ur success along with Miftah....u guys r giving confidence to us....u r one the pioneers in this site! hope we 'll get ur responses in coming days evenly....
BTW, what do u do and what r u planning next?

Muhammad Ashikuzzaman (Fahim)
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
--When you learn something, learn it by heart!
Rachel White
Ranch Hand
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thanks ashik for your kind appreciation notes
surely we will be here to help you guys out.
best of luck
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Great feedback. Its one of the best i have seen. Many many thanks and congratulations.
How much did you score in sun's test and scwcdwhiz tests and quiz. Also did you give the one mock created by tushar?
Rachel White
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Thanks Rishab. I feel honoured to be appreciated by great ranchers to whom i owe my success.
To answer ur queries: When i appeared for the exam, the Carl's (not tushar but trusiak) exam was not there.
Sun's practice test was very easy.. and im not in favor of it.
I score an average of 90% on scwcdwhiz tests. So i will say it was tougher than the actual exam.
Regarding interactive quiz of scwcdwhiz, i didn't note my score, but I will highly recommend it for the revision purpose and speciall DD and TAG lib small questions, which you will get in significant number in the actual exam.
I will be around only to help guys who helped me.
My best wishes are with all of you
Rishab Narula
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Thanks for advice and analysis. I will follow ur steps. Will use the scwcd quiz in the last week only.
will come back with if i have any further queries.
thanks once again
Rachel White
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Thanks Ashik and others for the appreciation and wishes.
Ashik, im going for XML Certification. My new temp resi will be xml, xsl forum
all the best
Ranch Hand
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congrats Rachel!!! nice job! YOu deserve it!!
wish u all the best for ur future endeavours!!
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Hi Rachel,
Wow!! Great score and great contribution.
Which web server shall i use for preparation. Which version(s) of JSP and Servlets is supported by various web servers.
Also rachel, pl tell me did u face any DD questions from the topics not prescribed in sun's syllabus.
Rajat Singla
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Thanks Rachel, Ashok and Jacob.
rachel, im following you this time - me to poised to be xml certified.
jacob, sorry for not being able to answer but good to see great show by you.
Best wishes to all
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You being the first few to be SCWCD wud be able to help me out. I've recently cleared SCJP and have few months experience on jsp/servlet.
What path do you suggest for me if i wanna be SCWCD in a month? Is it possible?
thanku in advance
Best wishes
Ranch Hand
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Everybody who gave test they say it is easy. Who knows if you have depth of JSP and servlet knowledge. One week may be more than enough. GOOD LUCK

What path do you suggest for me if i wanna be SCWCD in a month? Is it possible?

Ranch Hand
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Congratulations Rachel Great Score!
Thanks for the help
Reda Mokrane
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In the initial post to this thread, Rachel mentioned a Design Pattenr tutorial on Sun's site -- "V.) Desing patterns tutorial at sun (in my knowledge the best source to prepare for this topic)"
Any idea on what the URL is? I've searched their site but have yet to find the tutorial she mantioned.
Thanks for the help!
Ranch Hand
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the link for the design patterns catalog is: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/blueprints/design_patterns/index.html
also chek the java ranch links for the scwcd exam at: http://www.javaranch.com/scwcdlinks.jsp

Originally posted by Burkhardt Hufnagel:
In the initial post to this thread, Rachel mentioned a Design Pattenr tutorial on Sun's site -- "V.) Desing patterns tutorial at sun (in my knowledge the best source to prepare for this topic)"
Any idea on what the URL is? I've searched their site but have yet to find the tutorial she mantioned.
Thanks for the help!

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Congrat Rachel,
juz checking something with you regarding the exams...
During your exam, have you come across questions that ask you which class a method comes from?
I would find this type of question difficult for those less used methods and there's a rather huge number of methods in the web component related apis and I do believe there are more better challenging questions that Sun can ask rather than to require us to memorise their apis.
Thanks in advance.
Chee Keong
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- satya
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Burkhardt Hufnagel
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Thanks for the link to the Design Pattern catalog. But what I'm really looking for it the Sun "tutorial" Rachel mentioned in her first post.
Ranch Hand
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Congrats Rachel.
Rachel White
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Yes, i came across atleast one or two quetions aksing class/interface or method name. Even i didnt like this pattern of testing but it was there.
I hope this helps you
Rachel White
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If im not wrong you are looking at the following link of j2ee sun tutorial
Hope this works
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Hi White,
Did u face any drag n drop questions?
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