hello, I intend becoming an SCWCD. I have jdk1.3 installed in my machine. If i install Tomcat, all the javax packages would get installed which are not there in jdk1.3? Do I still need to download j2ee? If so, can I have both j2se and j2ee in the same machine or I have to uninstall j2se in order to install j2ee? Please let me know. Thanku, Lalit, (SCJP2).
I am using tomcat. It is enough to learn servlet+jsp. By the way I used both tomcat4.0 and tomcat3.2.3. I could not run tomcat JSP samples examples (except numguess) using tomcat4.0. I was complled to use tomcat3.2.3 for this purpose. If you happen to know how to make it functionl please let me know. Thankx and Good luck. BK
Good hit Lalit...which version of j2ee u installed?... ------------------ Muhammad Ashikuzzaman (Fahim) Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform --When you learn something, learn it by heart!
Ashik Uzzaman Director of Engineering, Twin Health, Mountain View, CA, USA