Dear K Kumar,
Thanks for your appreciation of our product.
After reading your message, i can say that you are going great.
Here are my suggestions:
Practice is Supreme: Nothing can beat this way of learning. Whatever you are learning, make sure you do practice by actually writing the code. Believe me, you will never regret spending time writing code. Choose any of the web servers, I will recommend
tomcat for its price (free) and compliance with JSP1.2 and Servlets2.3 specs.
Make sure you know the Exam Objectives: Before you actually start preparing, browse through the objectives.
JSP1.2 and Servlet2.3 Specs: Keep the copy of the specs with you.
Pick up good books: Here you will face some difficulty as there is not even a single book written for the purpose. But there are many good books like Professional
JSP by Wrox,
Servlets by O�rielly.
Tutorials/Notes: Now we have great notes by people like Ken, Miftah and good tutorials are also available on sun�s site (specially the design
patterns one).
Mock Exams: The trial version of our product has already given you the live experience of SUN exam. Main version will give you much more J. Also don�t miss the mock at this great place. I will say before you actually jump into preparation or after few days of your preparation, give a mock
test to judge yourself. Based on your performance you can plan you preparation and channelize your efforts in the right direction. Please note that �Planning can do much more and much faster�!!!
Revision: The combination of Notes (talked above), Our Interactive Quiz and Quick Revision tips will help you revise and make you feel confident before appearing for the actuall exam.
Regarding topics : Don�t under estimate the importance of any topic. Put maximum efforts to make your concepts crystal clear about each and every topic. Make sure you know each and every element/sub-element used in DD file. This is very crucial from the exam point of view. As suggested by rajat, we will very soon come up with the separate quiz for this crucial aspect of the exam. Also make sure you are aware of the exact names of various classes/interfaces/methods as you will face few short/answer questions.
Overall, you will definitely enjoy the process of certification and if plan properly, will not have any difficulty in achieving very high score.
I hope I�ve answered your queries. Please tell me if I�ve missed something.
Our best wishes are with you. Please feel free to write to me at
[email protected] for anything I can do to help you.
Thanks and regards
Java Certification Test Simulators � J@Whiz, SCWCD@Whiz