Hello Ranchers!
After an absence of 3 or 4 days I'm here to thank you for your compliments & advices.Ijlal Jinnah! I'm grateful for your compliments. Imb4u2cu! Disbelievers can't disappoint me. I already mentioned that I'm from Karachi so no point of forgetfulness; it is very much obvious that my city is in Pakistan. Peter den Haan! Thanks for your advice; I'll sincerely try to travel on this narrow path as much straight as possible. Lisa Raymond! Thank you for defending me. This mini_ world of Java Ranch is full of variety; it ranges from you (Lisa) to him (Lala) a colourful spectrum of people! Thanks God! The overall impact is very nice. khad M! So many thanks for your suggestion. Badar is not a university. Actually it is an IT-Education Movement; it is just like software, which can run on any compatible hardware (i.e. Institutions). Now it is working in about a dozen of institutions including universities. Reda Mokrane! Wish you again a great success in SCWCD exam! Ian Yang! It is really nice that this forum is full of balanced people like you. Hassan Naqvi! Thank you. A compliment from an Operation Badar colleague is always inspiring.Sir Baseer! I feel that your hope will come true. Don Liu! Yes I passed SCJP on 28th. of June this year. Khad M! I don't think any one can match Lala.Peter! I'm agreed with you. Ashikuzzaman! Thanks for defending me but let me answer him myself. Lala Hardayal Bihari! Thank you; at least you admitted that I have a brain. I am feeling myself helpless to utter anything about yours. So I'm just quoting comments of you about other ranchers and their comments about you without my personal comments.
Best Wishes for all the Ranchers
Your Comments About Ranchers:
1#Lala Hardayal Bihari
posted November 12, 2001 08:35 PM
I feel this fellow is lying about getting 100 %. It's a roose.Sonalika, you have to provide evidence of this "achievement". Lala
2#Lala Hardayal Bihari
posted August 29, 2001 09:06 AM
TVS, Score of 71 % is not a great score...You just managed to scrape through. By the way, why are you mentioning names of your Java Teachers in this forum ? We are not interested in such unnecessary details. Lala
2# Merle, If you are afraid of facing interviews,
you should not have appeared for SCJP. Do not post such silly fears of yours in this forum. Lala
3# Lala Hardayal Bihari
posted August 29, 2001 04:39 AM
Padmaja, Passing with 67 % is no great deal. Lala
4#Lala Hardayal Bihari
posted August 29, 2001 09:12 AM
Rajani, I am amazed as to how people post their certification details here. It is often foolish to read all the matter with very little content related to certification. Rajani, You have hardly given any details about the exam itself... By the way don't be so exited about getting 100 % in GC. I know there is hardly one question on GC. Lala
5#Lala Hardayal Bihari
posted August 29, 2001 10:21 PM
Ashik,. And yes, you want to know my profession ? - I am a butcher. Lala
6#Lala Hardayal Bihari
greenhorn posted October 04, 2001 03:51 AM
Your post here looks like thanksgiving ritual to me. You shaould have given concrete details of the exam instead of the long list of obligatory items. Lala
7#Lala Hardayal Bihari
posted November 26, 2001 03:43 AM
Ash, I think you have a brain of 8 years only. Why waste our time with such stupid post ? Lala
Ranchers Comments About You:
1#Jim Petersen
ranch hand
posted September 04, 2001 10:00 AM
Ok I'll take the bait again... What is your problem? Lala why don't you start up your own site for 'mature professionals' rather than slagging this site? Rather than spitting acidic comments on others success - You could be studying... As my mum would say 'If you ain't got anything nice to say don't say anything...' To paraphrase one of your posts - "67% is no great deal.." that is down right offensive and demeans someone's application effort to passing the exam. Jeeze this is annoying
2#Ashik uzzaman
ranch hand
posted August 30, 2001 06:24 AM
quote: We are not interested in such unnecessary details. Lala, Don't say we are not...say i m not...OK? How do u know abt my interest??? Muhammad Ashikuzzaman
3#Rob Murphy
posted September 04, 2001 08:35 AM
( LINES EDITED BY SHAILESH M. SONAVADFEKAR ) Ever since you came here you are critisizing just about everybody. Site maintainers are doing a great job and it is really helpful for more or less everybody. (Certainly not for you!). There is nothing wrong with posting the news of their passing. Most of the people spend weeks here asking and answering questions and they get a sense of belonging. If somebody posts their place or name of teacher/instructor/institute etc that's ok. Didn't you ever brag about your college...may be you haven't had the opp to go to a good institution. What CMM level you are talking about? You have no idea what it is and you are simply posting useless messages for creating a sensation. May be you've been a neglected child. You need to grow up and realize that if you are very smart, there are people in this world who are smarter than you and there are people in this world who are dumber than you. Go look for a place where only "smart" people interact or create one if you are so desperate and see how many people join you. I strongly request moderators to kick this idiot out of here
4#Ashik uzzaman
ranch hand
posted August 29, 2001 09:56 AM
Lala, I m not bartender of this site but an admirer. I found u as a person who is trying to demoralize the ranchers. First of all remember that u may feel ur freedom to say anything until u harm or hurt others. The bartender is here to see whether the topic is relevant and will act according to that. We r in a high-tech community where we respect each other and also feel our emotions. Sandeep is an active member of this site for a long while whereas u r register only the day be4 yesterday with this as ur 7th post and not a single with greetings to other. We r helped by his posts while u r being jellous! You r telling some others that their score is low, how r u the judge? Sun is certifiying that he is a programmer and u tell no. Be our guest in this site and try to feel how we feel each other. See my post where all were inspiring me and sharing my emotions. U may go to Programmer Certification Study Forum for pure technical purpose where we were always....this forum is particularly for success and failure stroies and advices....Do not attack anyone personally.-
raneranch hand
posted August 29, 2001 10:39 AM
Thanx Ashik, I wanted 2 write what u have written (4 lala)We all stand by each other,help each other,and congratulate each other on each other's success.(believe me,i feel inspired every time i congratulatea rancher here) Ashik ,hav u seen lala,s last post 4 Kaushik Badiyani?? Lala i am very curious 2 know what do u work as.Please do let me know.No harsh feelings 4 u.I am sure u will fall in love with this site soon and u r most welcome here. Lala please don't feel hurt,but please do not be harsh 2 anyoneI am very very sorry,if i have hurt u.
6#Jim Petersen
ranch hand
posted August 30, 2001 06:18 AM
Whoa there's a new 'sheriff' in town looking to clean clean up the falsehood, frivilous behaviour, and hollow words blah blah blah It looks like you've gone some ways to burning your bridges on getting a question answered on 'technical details' - a little common courteousy and at least being pleasant in appreciating some one elses achivement may go some way to achieving this The people you criticise have made valid and worthwhile contributions to this site - ie added value here - something going on your posts you have failed to do. If everyone had your attidude and replied in your manner it would be a pretty dry (and short lived) Saloon Read the sign at the door partner - 'a friendly place for java greenhorns' Here's some constructive criticism - You should learn to lighten up LaLa Thats my two 2p rgds Jim
7#Dave Vick
posted August 30, 2001 07:06 AM
I would argue that most people probably find the experiences of others a great help in their own preparations. If you feel you dont need to read them or dont want to then you dont have to, but dont try to tell others that they shouldn't post them here.
8#shailesh sonavadekar
ranch hand
posted September 01, 2001 08:11 AM
cool down guys. this forum is for learning . not for fighting. Lala , this is not a forum for attacking anyone. Please do not make any personal remarks. This is friednly place. this place encourages the knowledge sharing. That is why it so popular. There are certain ways to express yourself. You are making personal remarks. that is not at all good. Please try to be friendly with others & learn from others as I can see you are new to the site while people like Jim , Dave , Leena & Sandeep , Ashik etc are a long time javaranchers & contributors. This is not the place for butchers. here , butchers are butchered in friendly manner , without any traces. so , be careful. Leena , Jim , Dave , Sandeep , Ashik , I feel you will continue your good work. Your Friendly BartenderShailesh.
9#Padmaja Balaji
ranch hand
posted September 03, 2001 01:32 AM
Thanks Shailesh. Even Lala humiliated me with his remarks "Passing with 67 % is no great deal." but I refused to see the word "no" in the sentence and thanked him also. Let us all grow each passing day and be more civilized. Once again, thanks again a lot for reminding everyone that this is a FRIENDLY place for ranchers.