I got my SCJP last year. Now I am slooowwwly getting through the JSP material for SCWCD. I am wondering if someone can point me to a resource for decoding some DTD conventions. Is there a doc that explains the doc? What's #PCDATA versus EMPTY? For instance, the following is greek to me: <!ELEMENT display-name (#PCDATA)> versus <!ELEMENT distributable EMPTY>
I guess the forum to post this question would be XML forum. Anyway, #PCDATA indicates that the content of the element is of type parsed character data, simply put, character data that does not contain any markups. When the element is defined as EMPTY it does not have any content. For eg. <email></email> or <email \> would be an empty element and <name>Menon Hema</name> would be an example of an element defined as of content PCDATA. Later, Hema