I have printed off Ken Zrobok's notes. I have also printed off Suns Tutorials on Servlets and JSP.
Michell's notes is also good, IMO.
Is there anything else I should get to prepare for this exam? I have worked with Servlets in the past on some short projects. It has been a while though... What kind of actual development practice should I get in? Just make up my own projects or are there some out there that are on target for the Exam?
Also get the Specs. Maynot be all the 200+ pages, but atleast the relavent chapters.
Also, implement the examples from the notes/specs
or from previous textbooks should help. Makeing up your own projects will defenitely help.
I have the Developer version of JRun, will this be fine or should I get Tomcat instead?
If this version of JRun implements the JSP.1.2 and Servlet.2.3 Specs then it should be fine.
Lastly, how similar to the SCJP exam is this exam? Will I need to review any of the SCJP topics before taking it? Is this exam mostly solution oriented or Servlet/JSP API oriented?
I am assuming the format is pretty similar. Try the mock exams to get a feel for the exam. Also, I don't think you need to review the SCJP stuff for this exam. Although you sshould always be in touch with that, as a
Java programmer.
Also, the exam is oriented towards solutions AND API, I think, The fact that you need to identify some methods proves the fact abt knowing the API. And the fact that
you should have knowledge of
J2EE Patterns is oriented towards knowledge of Solutions.
My two cents.
- satya
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