1. Your guess is right about the type in questions. While remembering APIs I would keep the following in mind:
(a) What are the methods you see the most and hence easy to remember? (
you should cram these)
(b) What are the methods you see only in special circumstances (such as while coding for distributed environment and other special cases). You could ignore these IF you do not want to remember a lot.
2. There are only 2 simulators and JWebPlus appears to be better. I used both the simulators and I think they are both okay. They try to make things difficult by asking you more memory questions (questions from the corners of specs and APIs). Trust me this is not going to happen in the exam. While coding any
Servlet you use session, request, response, context, httpservlet etc. you should remember methods belonging to these classes. Questions in simulators are good but not closest to the real thing. I would recommend Anand's mock exam and Javaranch mock exam.
3. I think you are ready (based on what you wrote). If you want to feel more confident, take more mocks and participate on this forum. See if you understand questions asked by others. See if you can answer those questions. Go over old posts. Read posts from ranchers who already took and passed the test.
Good luck