I don't think the ans is correct, atleast I don't know how to write such a tag...
However, the closest example code I could get is enclosed here.
RandomNumExample.jsp: Put this in %Catalina_Home%\webapps\Root\jsp-introrandom-taglib.tld: Put this in %Catalina_Home%\webapps\Root\WEB-INFweb.xml: Put this in %Catalina_Home%\webapps\Root\ Compile this file and put the RandomTag.class file in %Catalina_Home%\webapps\Root\WEB-INF\classes\madhav\tags Then you can access it through the URL:
http://localhost:8080/jsp-intro/RandomNumExample.jsp This is the closest example I could getto, with the explanation given.
- satya
As you can make out, this example is based on an example from More
Servlets and
JSP's book.
[ February 05, 2002: Message edited by: Madhav Lakkapragada ]
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