Hi All,
I passed the
test today. Scored 91%.
Missed 5 questions one each in
1. Deployment descriptor question - obviuosly a tag
2. Session Management - dont know which one I missed
3. Designing and Developing Secure Web Applications - creative question on authentication vs authorization
4. Designing and Developing Thread-safe
Servlets - not sure which one.
5. Designing and Developing a Custom Tag Library -
abstract classes and methods
My prep time was approx. 3 weeks. I have more than couple of years of professional exp. on
J2EE technologies. I read specs, CS & MS by Marty Hall.
I used the free resources listed on the links page extensively and followed all the postings here at Javaranch.
My sincere thanks to Carl (for the excellent forum), Ken, Miftah Khan, Michelle, Velmurugan for their excellent notes, Anand (closest to the real test !), Mika (cool site and plenty of questions), Cobian (very tough test, scored 23/60 couple of hours before the exam

), Ersin ((: DD image), Ashik, Satya and many others for their contributions.
Best of luck to you all guys,