I passed yesterday with a score of 83%. I would like to thank Ken, Miftah Khan, Velmurugan, Anand Chawla, Carl, Ersin, and all of you participating in this forum.
Overall, the
test was not as tricky as
SCJP, but it wasn't a cakewalk. I got some tricky questions in the Custom Tag Library section. I was put off initially by the amount of memorizing required for this test, and did not memorize the DD much, especially the security section. But surprisingly, I got no question regarding the security section of the DD, and scored 100% in that section. After the test, I feel that a general understanding of the DD structure is enough.
I had done a academic project using
jdbc and CORBA. Doing a project helps a lot in understanding the concepts by applying them.
I used the foll. for my preparation:
* Core Servlets and JSP (excellent!) : Although not covering the latest API, it is highly recommended for a beginner.
* Professional
Java Server Programming Vol 1, Chapters 7-12 : Very useful in understanding where servlets and JSP fit in the
J2EE platform, and web container concepts. It takes you a step further from the "Core Servlets and JSP".
* Servlet and JSP Specs : Referred them occasionally when I could not understand the concept clearly. I did not read them completely even once, as I like to code immediately after reading a new concept, and the specs do not have any significant code(unlike the JLS which had a lot of code you could try out).
* The "Links Page" is the ultimate guide to the resources for this exam.
* SCWCD@Whiz
Thank you all again for this excellent forum and website.
If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my axe.
-Abraham Lincoln