Two things to do: 1st thing: "pkumar"- Welcome to the JavaRanch! Please adjust your displayed name to match the JavaRanch Naming Policy. You can change it here. 2nd thing: Download the Servlet and JSP specifications. The Servlet Spec will include the entire format of the web.xml Again, welcome to the JavaRanch! [ June 18, 2002: Message edited by: Jessica Sant ]
Hi Ravish,Jessica and Anthony, Thank you for your postings. I find this to be pretty useful for my preparations. As per JavaRanch Policy i have updated my name from "pkumar" to "Prathap kumar" is that ok now
Kumar<br />Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE<br />Sun Certified Java Programmer<br />Microsfot Certified Professional<br />in VB,Sql Server.
With a little knowledge, a cast iron skillet is non-stick and lasts a lifetime.