Hi I am planning for SCWCD exam. i am planning to get More Servlets by Marty Hall. Do i need to study Servlets & Jsp Specifications ? if yes what topics should i go through (need to study full spec ? ).
Hi Baruch, Thanks for ur suggestion. i have studied SCWCD Study Kit sample chapters from www.manning.com it was wonderful. so simple & informative. is pdf file of that book available in net ? Thanks & Regards Mike
Hi Mike, It would be better for exam preparation to study servlet specs. You will find handful of information useful for exam and your knowledgebase. Regards, Mehul.
I'm also getting "More Servlets & JSP." I downloaded the "Core" book and the servlet and JSP specs. So hopefully with "More", "Core", the specs, and a couple months I can be ready for SCWCD I have never written a line of code in servlet or JSP though
I am not convinced that 'Core' Servlets serves much purpose for the exam as it is old (uses the old Java Web Server for example) and covers Servlets V 2.2 and JSP 1.1 apart form the fact that is free. For the exam you'd be better served with the specs, the APIs and 'More' servlets book
- Jim Petersen <br />SCJP2<br />SCWCD<p>- but then again, I could be wrong...
I feel that it would be better to go once thru. the specifications as they are very much helpful in the exam as well as to get a good understanding. Though, it takes sometime to go thru. but it is worth enough